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"Ever wondered how our different types of auctions work? Choose the auction type you're curious about and find answers to your questions. Whether it's liquidation, estate, equipment, consignment, or anything in between, we have the information you need. If you don't find your answer here, don't hesitate to contact us today. Your curiosity is our priority!"

Consignment Auction

A consignment auction is a type of auction where individuals or businesses, known as consignors, bring their items to an auction house or auctioneer to be sold. In this arrangement, the auctioneer acts as an intermediary, facilitating the sale of items on behalf of the consignors.

Estate Auction / Liquidation Auction

An estate auction is an auction event where the personal belongings, property, and assets of a deceased person or estate are sold. These auctions are often held to liquidate the estate's assets, distribute the proceeds among heirs or beneficiaries, and settle the financial affairs of the deceased. 


A liquidation auction is an auction event where goods, assets, or inventory are sold in large quantities to quickly convert them into cash. The purpose of a liquidation auction is to efficiently and rapidly sell off assets.

Online Auction via Proxibid

Proxibid is an online auction platform that facilitates live and timed auctions, allowing buyers to participate in auctions remotely through the internet. An online auction via Proxibid follows the same basic principles as traditional auctions but takes place in a virtual environment.

Contact Us!

Randy: 970.629.0787  |   Sheri: 435.722.7699

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